MMP1 Zakończona produkcja
Audio production is evolving rapidly. Many functions that were previously handled by the mixing console are now built into high-performance DAW systems. But even today’s most practical in-the-box mixing systems require a number of peripheral devices for full studio functionality, including some sort of monitor controller. Immersive audio formats have made the requirements for monitor control and management even more varied and complex. Yamaha has applied a great deal of time and effort to developing monitoring environments and studio systems for current and future audio production needs, and has come up with an ideal one-stop solution.
The MMP1 Studio Monitor Management System offers all essential audio processing functionality for DAW-based production environments in one streamlined, versatile, great-sounding, space-saving unit that provides efficient overall system management at surprisingly low cost.
available by November 2017
Key Features
Comprehensive Monitor Control
Up to 32 channels of monitor processing supports formats from stereo to immersive audio, plus comprehensive management of studio communication and audio devices.
Flexible Bass Management
Bass management using standard or FIR crossover filters can be flexibly configured within a 32 x 32 channel speaker matrix.
Outstanding Speaker Management Precision
Time alignment delay, EQ, and other final-stage audio output adjustment tools are provided on all channels.
Full-featured Channel Processing
Eight channel strips feature four types of EQ, VCM vintage compressors, and more, for extensive processing capability in a remarkably compact space.
Post-production Recording Support
In addition to an ample selection of talkback, cue, and GPI functions, commentary functions provide extended voice-over recording support.
Signal Flow

Product Photo
MMP1 Zakończona produkcja
MMP1 to zaawansowany sterownik monitorów studyjnych. Oferuje profesjonalną funkcjonalność oraz wszechstronność środowiska produkcyjnego opartego na oprogramowaniu DAW. MMP1 to gwarancja doskonałego brzmienia, oszczędności miejsca w studio oraz zaawansowanej funkcjonalności w zaskakująco niskiej cenie.
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.