YSL-882O Tenor Trombones with F Attachment

Modele serii Xeno wyposażone są w jednoczęściową, ręcznie młotkowaną czarę wykonaną z grubej blachy dla uzyskania wyjątkowego, potężnego brzmienia orkiestrowego. Dzięki systemowi open-wrap kwartwentyla powietrze swobodnie przepływa w całym instrumencie, co zapewnia zrównoważone brzmienie i jakość gry, których musisz doświadczyć, żeby w nie uwierzyć. Dźwięk jest niezwykle elastyczny i bogaty kolorystycznie w każdej dynamice, niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz potężnego brzmienia fortissimo, czy wykonujesz najsubtelniejsze melodie. Prawdopodobnie jest to jeden z najbardziej ekspresyjnych puzonów orkiestrowych jakie kiedykolwiek powstały.


Bell: Yellow brass, Finish: Clear lacquer


Bell Material: Yellow brass, Bell type: Detachable


Czara: złoty mosiądz, wykończenie: lakier

Lever Action

Lever Action

The lever action has been upgraded with a shorter stroke that affords improved operability. Other refinements include a double torsion spring that contributes to consistent lever operation, and double ball bearings that reduce the need for maintenance and make maintenance easy when it does become necessary.


The YSL-882OII's bell is the same slightly oversized 220 millimeter (8-2/3 inch) type that is standard on Xeno trombones.

* The detachable bell on the YSL-882ODII is similar to the YSL-882OII one-piece bell, but separates at the base of the flare.

Dodatkowy suwak kwartwentyla w systemie open wrap

The open-wrap F section provides a free-blowing response.

Narrow slide

Narrow slide

A yellow-brass narrow slide contributes to smooth, delicate tone that is also clear and well defined. Other advantages include comfortable playing resistance plus ample power and brilliance.



The balancer is a compact design that helps to deliver well-focused sound.

Detachable Bell (YSL-882ODII)

Detachable Bell (YSL-882OD)

Not only does a detachable bell allow more compact storage, but the added weight of the bell screw section helps to produce a tighter sound with improved directionality.

*Image is for illustration purposes.




* No case is included with the YSL-882ODII.

Development Artist

Peter Sullivan

Peter Sullivan

Invaluable development support was provided by Peter Sullivan, principle trombone with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Professor of Trombone, Cleveland Institute of Music and Carnegie Mellon University.

“I always believed it was necessary to have multiple instruments of different brands to cover a variety of playing situations. Since I have been using a Xeno trombone I have that it is the only instrument I need. The main reasons are that it is warm, clear, and can adapt to any situation!”

The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.