YAS-82Z Saksofony Altowe

The evolution of the Yamaha Custom Z continues.Powerful sound and the ability to play fast passages without difficulty, the Z is crafted to meet your highest expectations.They have been re-examined from the neck to the bell and are now equipped with a one-piece bell for increased resonance and the highly regarded V1 neck for the optimal combination of response and control.

Yamaha Saxophone YAS-82ZA feature image

YAS-82ZA<NEW>: Outstanding sound and playability now available in a vintage finish.

Amber lacquer finish has been added as a new color. The beautiful vintage apperance combined with Yamaha's legendary sound and playability gives saxophonists an instrument that can perfectly reflect their musical personality.


Finish: Gold lacquer


Finish: Amber lacquer


Finish: Silver-plated


Finish: Unlacquered


Finish: Black lacquer


Wykończenie: pozłacany


Unique bell engraving method

Yamaha Saxophone YAS-82ZA feature image

The hand engraving is done by craftsmen after lacquering to enhance the contrast with the brass.The beautiful engraving design further enhances the luxurious feel of the YAS-82ZA. A special technology topcoat for Amber finish enables the product to maintain its beautiful condition for a long period of time.

Jednoczęściowa czara z nowymi zdobieniami

Sięgając do tradycji klasycznych saksofonów, w modelach 82Z zastosowaliśmy jednoczęściową czarę, która wzmacnia brzmienie dolnych rejestrów i oferuje szerszą paletę barw dźwiękowych. Subtelne zdobienia podkreślają dodatkowo wyjątkowy charakter naszych instrumentów.

Poduszki z metalowymi rezonatorami

Metalowe rezonatory umieszczone na powierzchni poduszek znacznie poszerzają zakres dynamiczny instrumentu. Dzięki temu możesz osiągnąć klarowne brzmienei bez zbędnego wysiłku we wszystkich rejestrach.

Szyjka V1

Szerokie zakończenie szyjki ułatwia zadęcie i gwarantuje elastyczność brzmienia.

Ulepszone połączenie klap dolnych dźwięków H-Cis

Udoskonalony mechanizm łączący klapy dolnych dźwięków H i Cis gwarantuje doskonałe krycie klapy dolnego Cis, co owocuje doskonałym brzmieniem wszystkich dźwięków w niskim rejestrze.

Lżejsze hak i podpórka pod kciuk

Dla bardziej klarownego i spójnego brzmienia ograniczyliśmy wagę elementów łączących korpus z hakiem i podpórką pod kciuk.

Regulowana przednia klapa F

Specjalny mechanizm regulacji przedniej klapy F gwarantuje swobodne dopasowanie stopnia oporu w wysokich rejestrach.


Model 82Z sprzedawany jest wraz z lekkim futerałem wyposażonym w pasek na ramię.

Mother of pearl key button

Mother of pearl key button

Mother of pearl is used as key buttons. It improves playability by making it easier to hold with soft but not slippery surface.

Metal resonator pad

Metal resonator pad

The metal resonators offer an outstanding response and deliver a wider dynamic range. The entire range of the instrument has a clearer pronunciation, providing effortless playability all around.

Seesaw key

Seesaw key

The left-hand seesaw key has been designed to increase playability as well as provide a more comfortable feel.

Two-point contact

Two-point contact

Two-point contact is adopted for enhanced projection and a free-blowing response.

One-piece bell

One-piece bell

Crafsmen shape the bell from a sheet of brass with a hammer. This adds a unity to the body and makes the intonation in middle to lower range smoother. It also has a solid tone.

82Z style (AS, TS)

82Z style (AS, TS)

The Custom Z saxophone features a ‘anemone’ engraving design which is hand engraved on every instrument. Custom Z logo is the proof of craftmanship.



Bell rings supports the instrument to vibrate well when players blow into it.

Separate style key guard

Separate style key guard

The separate key guards feature adjustable screw cap stoppers for professional-style technical adjustments.

Without Reinforcing Plate attached to the Bow

Without Reinforcing Plate attached to the Bow

Improve the response due to lightweight and lower blowing resistance.

Improved low B-C# connection

Improved low B-C# connection

An improved mechanism from low B-C# connection ensures the consistent closing of the low C# key and promotes a clear response from notes in the low range of the instrument.

Case (ASC-820)

Case (ASC-820)

The 82Z comes equipped with lightweight case that has a shoulder strap.


82Z without High F# key (YAS/YTS-82ZWOF)

YAS-82Z/YTS-82Z can be ordered without a High F# key for a more efficient response.

With High F# key

Without High F# key

Audio & Video

Yamaha Custom Z Saxophones

Interviews with the Designers and Engineers

The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.